Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things Have changed.

I have always loved this song by Bob Dylan, "Things Have Changed."

( I would embed but its intentionally disabled.

I have always loved Bob Dylan, in his many phases and I find that this song, released much much later in his life, portrays the fact that not only has Bob Dylan changed, but like everything else, our world and society is an always changing world. We cannot demand that today will be the same as yesterday, we cannot demand that Bob Dylan will be the same 22 year old folk singer at the Newport Folk Festival, that he won't grow into something bigger and deeper, something we will always puzzle at for eternity. My old friends of my youth can't demand that I will be the same child I was in high school and I can't demand that I will be the same success that I am today tomorrow. Things Have changed and will always change. That is the only thing we can demand, even though we don't demand it, it is just the only constant thing that exists.

My old room mate had a quote written in on our white board last year that will stick with me always. "The only thing of certainty in this world is uncertainty." That is what I live by and for this upcoming year, the only thing I will demand of myself is to live for tomorrow with uncertainty and learn to live without certainty because indeed I find that certainty can become the chain of your conscience.

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